Category: Agriculture and Horticulture

![[Features]Market Analysis on Fungicide Market in China - Pyraclostrobin and Azoxystrobin Enjoy Bright Future](

It should be a peak season now for the herbicide market in China; however, the market is in a very bad shape due to different difficulties in the pesticide market, according to analyst CCM.

China's glyphosate market will still be in the doldrums in 2016 due to the overcapacity in the industry and the spread of negative news on glyphosate. The market price is predicted to be low and even reach the bottom, according to analysts CCM.
CCM believes that the growth rate of biological pesticides' consumption is expected to surpass 7% by 2022 in the global plant protection. It is mainly attributed to two factors: chemical pesticides are facing stricter regulations and supervision because of its bad effect on the environment; and pollution-free agricultural products are becoming more and more popular in consumers.